Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CID Johannesburg


urban sos competition


Project 3: Urban SOS

arpl 3012_contemporary approaches to urban design

hand-out 02_project 3


the inner city of johannesburg has been nearly completely repopulated since 1994 with little evidence of architectural change. having been zoned strictly ‘white’ for more than three decades, its colour code after the abolition of racial zoning has become black and coloured. drug and slum lords, cross-border traders, sex workers, school children and ordinary business people share the spaces of the previously ‘forbidden city’.

visionary power, producing the contemporary city, from denver to dainfern, erasing the power of fear, blacklinesonwhitepaper with motsepe architects, p.248-257, nai publishers, 2007

juxtaposition – good design necessitates framework that can be followed in order to combine targeted development sites with small-scale interventions – incubators of sustainable urbanism. these can spread throughout the community as residents identify and adapt future sites. by stimulating a series of points through the injection of accessibility, development can serve as a valuable hybrid, an invitation for the formal city to come into the heart of the informal.

urban think tank, project tool box

project 3 is placed within 2 larger frameworks, a) the international student competition urban sos and b) the retail improvement district research project, undertaken in the school of architecture and planning.

the competition ‘was created to engage students in urban planning and design, architecture, landscape, architecture, environmental restoration, and engineering with the issues confronting modern cities and to allow them to propose solutions that, if worthy, will be seen by established professionals in their field… the theme of this year’s competition is frontiers… proposals should be on urban sites currently facing chronic liveability challenges that are largely the result of a city’s location on a natural, political, cultural or economic border.’ depending on your focus and interpretation, your project site, the retail improvement district (rid), can respond broadly to the following criteria from the competition brief:
migration and population shifts:
urban communities and sites that are impacted by the mass movement of people, either as migrants across a jurisdictional border, or from a rural context to an urban one.’

transnational destinations:
a site that acts as a gateway or first point-of-entry for international travellers and/or migrants, or the flow of goods and ideas from elsewhere in the world.

shifting geo-political conditions:
an urban community or site that is subject to a changing or an evolving political landscape. this transformation should be impacting either a place’s relationship to its neighbors or its wider national home, its existing cultural affiliations, or recent or anticipated changes in the city’s political status.
furthermore, the brief states that ‘responses can range from a strategic framework to a surgical micro-response, from a whole landscape system to a single piece of architecture. entrants should demonstrate a holistic and sustainable approach to their proposals. they should present a connective language that can embrace many or all aspects of the site, expressing a language of built form that ties together land, buildings, ecology, infrastructure and economic and social activity. judges will value creativity and innovation, but your response must be fundamentally feasible.’

the retail improvement district (rid), research project is a collaborative effort of various planning specialisations (urban design, housing, politics and governance) to understand, unfold and possibly propose future development of johannesburg’s inner city retail district from different perspectives. the idea is to cover a multitude of layers of the area and then share this information in a series of common presentations. the rid is located between jeppe street in the north, harrison street in the west, commissioner street in the south and von brandis street in the east.

project 3
you are asked to develop a vision for the retail district in inner city of johannesburg, based on an extensive analysis of the existing urban fabric. this work will then be the base for the development of an urban design framework for the larger area in project 4. the analysis and the vision are group work, the udf (project 4) must be individual work.

analysis (3 groups of 5 students)
- analyse the existing urban typologies, investigate form, texture, footprint, urban context,
urban qualities, public and private interfaces
- investigate how the physical qualities relate to social, economic and political conditions in the retail district.
- prepare a participatory design methodology to better understand the sociospatial dynamics (possibly based on the ‘perceptions’ exercise with the urban politics and governance students and the ‘interviews’ conducted by the housing students).

vision (3 groups of 5 students)
- develop visions that responds to the idea of an inclusive city and successfully merges formal and informal components.
- envision a mixed-use, mixed-income, non gated urban neighborhood with pedestrian access and green spaces in the given context
- consider the development of a public space system that is based on the use of public transport for a maximum variety of city users.
- integrate sustainable urban elements
visions have to be communicated in a graphic format (visual narrative).

udf, urban design framework (project 4, detailed brief issued 11september )
- develop an urban design framework based on precedents, theories and the
existing conditions in the rid (individual)
- present a range of design interventions = choose an area of focus which will include a 3d model (individual)

project schedule
week 25
tue 31
wed  1

hand in
hand out

project 2
project 3
analysis,mapping and research

week 26
tue 07
wed 08
thu 09

site visit
gp pres
public holiday

university closed

week 27
tue 14
wed 15
thu 16
fri 17

crit/ pin up
hand in
studio/ crit



week 28
tue 21

crit/ pin up


week 29
tue 28
thu 30
fri 31

hand in

feed back
project 3 (25%)


the submissions will be marked as follows:

content  40% 
idea and concept for analysis
scales and layers covered, understanding of subject matter
originality, innovation and relevance of scenarios for vision

techniques  40% 
research, method, process and presentation

presentation  20% 
clarity and quality of the presentation
aesthetics and quality of visuals

analysis 15% of year mark
vision 10% of year mark

hand in analysis                         thu, 16august
presentation_vision                     tue, 28august   
hand in_project 3 complete         fri, 31 august
deadline competition                  fri, 31 august

please remember that urban sos competition assessment is based on:

– response directly addresses the challenges posed by gateway or border conditions in rid urban context
– clear strategy for how proposed vision will affect larger city’s transformative state
– clear sense of how proposed vision will affect transformation of site
– holistic approach to vision that fully embraces site
– appreciation for interdisciplinary thinking beyond traditional practice
– creativity and innovation
– feasibility and viability
– ability to communicate ideas in a clear, interesting and compelling manner

by 31 august groups must submit (but are not limited to):

- a full analysis in an agreed and coherent format (a3, a2 or a1)
- an elaborated vision statement
- 5 visionary renderings, drawings, perspectives (a3)
- a brief description (100-250 words) of their proposal. this statement must clearly identify the name of the city and a challenge or solution that is related to the competition theme.
- a pdf slide presentation of up to 10 slides. these must include images and/ or text. there is no word limit but font size must be legible when printed at a4 paper size. all responses must be in english, with any measurements provided in metric units.
- in addition, selected proposals have to prepare all other details required by the competition.

proposed scales (have to be adjusted to specific site and larger selected context)
broader context: 1: 20 000, 1:10 000, 1:5000,
scale base map 1:500,
scale selected blocks:  1:500,
scale street sections 1:200,
scale elevations: 1:500, 1:200

readings + references:
urban sos competition brief, as per hand out
urban thinktank, project tool box, as per hand out
slumlab toolbox, as per handout
city improvement districts in johannesburg: an examination of the local variations of the bid model, elisabeth peyroux, as per hand out
what is a city improvement district? 5 readings compiled by prof claire benit-gbaffou

Retail Improvement District (RID)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

there will be a class

on thursday july 26 at 12.30

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hand-out 01_project 1 + 2

arpl 3012_contemporary approaches to urban design

hand-out 01_project 1 + 2


the initial phase of the semester is to introduce the groundwork to be used for unpacking the development of an urban design framework that integrates theory and contemporary urban design processes through an appropriate mapping methodology.  by large the objective is to comprehend through critiquing the design structures required to create sustainable environments, which enable individual creativity to strive and contribute to community development, identity, cohesion and efficiency.  this will be done through re-reading and re-writing the relevant context – interpretive analysis – primarily through seeing and learning how to look and how to see, to finally, understanding what one is seeing and looking at across numerous of scales.

demystifying three colors: red


maybe you're the woman i never met.

"red" is the triumphant conclusion to kieslowski's "three colours trilogy", a point of convergence for the three sets of characters in the series. it is the warmest of all three films, and indeed this also stems from the main theme of the colour red of the french flag-- fraternity (or friendship). on a deeper level, it is a film about the invisible connections that intertwine our lives, the nexi that are not always apparent, similar to kieslowski's earlier film "the double life of veronique". this theme is best summarized by the opening sequence, which makes the technology of the telephone transparent to the viewer. we see a phone being picked up in the film's setting, geneva, and a number is dialled. the camera then races along the invisible network of wiring, through several switches, along an undersea cable, and re-emerging in england.
excerpt from an essay by anthony leong © 1997

architecture + film
films influence our lives.  an episode of generations, or days of our lives to a scene in pulp fiction, offers a narrative, which we dissect with what we deem as aplomb and great insight.
we model ourselves on characters we see as cool or suave, and through them, we are able to represent our true persona, at times down to the clichéd dialogue and bizarre storyline.  we are constantly surrounded by films.  in malls, libraries, and reception centres the din never ceases. this was epitomized by films like ridley scott’s blade runner [1982] or steven spielberg’s minority report [2002] with their constant and incessant advertisements displayed across the urban fabric. 

it is through films that we may be teleported to the past to watch john wayne or ronald reagan set cheeky native american (most probably referred to as a “red indian”) straight after emerging, all conquering hero type, through the double swinging doors of the local saloon, into the dusty street after consuming a shot or two at the bar’s wooden counter or billy crystal totally blowing off meg ryan at the airport in rob reiner’s when harry met sally [1989], only to fall madly in love with her by the end of the film, or the climatic scene as the protagonist, salinger,  stalks his nemesis, skarssen, amidst the roof tops of istanbul, hagia sophia framed for maximum effect in the distance to give the city scale and tissue in tom tykwer’s the international [2009].

chances are the action takes place in the city, in architecture, in a designed space in contemporary films, and therefore architecture and film are complimentary to each other, trapped in a perpetual dance.  the glamour and idealism of the film world is irresistible.  even in its most gritty or lifelike projections, it has the ability to transcend the mundanities of real life.  for architects, however, the fascination with film extends beyond the surface appeal of the celluloid image.  there are tangible parallels and similarities in the design and production processes of architecture and film.  rem koolhaas, who was a movie scriptwriter before becoming an architect, has said that there is little difference between the two activities.[1]  the architecture in films influences our lives.  whether we like it or not.  a mondrian hangs on the wall, the actor swivels in an eames  no.670 chair – which you promise your lover you’ll own by the end of your first year at work – in a modernist room flooded by light.  the context is a multilayered, multitextured city, full of promise, waiting for the next analytical discourse in time and space.  or simply waiting for the inhabitant to strike it rich, or just fall in love.

task 1
architecture in film

              write a 600 word essay on your favourite film exploring the theme of architecture in film.  structure your paper so that it is a fluid read with a clear introduction, main body, and finally a conclusion.

hand in:          friday 27 july 2012, 8.00h
format:             all information to be presented on two a4 sheets, portrait, text arial 10pt
weighting:     5%

task 2
from architecture to urban design 

              film reading + architectural interpretation.  film enables us to compress space and time, yet still occupy virtual space on a 1 to 1 scale simultaneously.  in your attempt to understand how urban space is used in the context of the metropolitan city and its subsequent representations in the cinema requires seeing the city with double vision. to understand the complexities of the labyrinthine city requires modernist as well as postmodernist visions[2] and in the case of johannesburg, the now and then. 

to do this, you will have to:
§ identify the unifying and coherent structuring elements in regards to architecture, urban design and the city within the 2 films. 
§ critically analyse and assess the visual data and theoretical concepts to formulate a position.
§ demonstrate an effective presentation and graphic communication technique
§ use a acceptable academic writing style to formulate a coherent argument using theory, design and tectonics.
§ address issues of scale on the following; metropolitan [city], local [neighbourhood] + precinct area [block, street and building]

music videos done by the band massive attack (to be sourced utube).
a.      protection: release date: 9.1.95 – director: michel gondry.  location: paris – 21.12.94.  running time: 6m32s.
b.      unfinished sympathy: release date: 11.2.91 – director: baillie walsh.  location: peico avenue.  los angeles – january 1991.  running time: 5m20s.

hand in:          tuesday 31 july 2012, 14.15h
format:             all information to be presented on a single a1 sheet
weighting:     5%

recommended references:
alexander, c. (1972)  the city is not a tree.  in g. bell & j. trywhit (eds),  human identity in the human environment.  new york: pelican books.
calvino, i. (1974)  invisible cities.  secker & warburg.  random house, london
jacobs, a.  (1993) great streets.  cambridge, mass: mit press.
lynch, k. (1980)  good city form, cambridge, mass: mit press.
madanipour, a. (1996)  design of urban space.  new york: john wiley & sons.
norbeg-schultz, c. (1980)  genius loci: towards a phenomelogy of architecture.  london: academy editions
sorkin, m. (1993)  local code : the constitution of a city at 42° n latitude.  princeton architectural press
visualizing the invisible: towards an urban space / edited by stephen read and camilo pinilla.  spacelab 01 / 2006

[1] maggie toy, editor.  ad, architecture + film ii, vol 70 no 1 january 2000
[2] martin price, articulating the cinematic urban experience in the city of make-believe, ad, architecture + film ii, vol 70 no 1 january 2000, p. 49