use the time to continue to work on your project. remember we have a review panel coming in to look at the work on tues 22 sept. start drawing
arpl 3012_contemporary approaches to urban design
Task_ 3.3
Look carefully at what is there, now, and then ask for reasons why?
The task is to detect multiple causes for and behind the current
status quo to then envision and implement possible future change: identify
actors and agents, rules and (ir) regulations, borders and boundaries,
programmes and people, control and exclusion, urban and economic morphologies,
landscapes and languages, green space and toxic environments.
The project looks at Joubert + End Street parks in context
rather than an isolated entity and uses the precincts as exiting parcel
sections from and within the inner city of Johannesburg. The idea is to construct an intellectual
urban argument on basis of rigorous visual analysis. The Objective/ Outcome of the
study should be to support the model project of developing End Street + Joubert
Park and to support the development of new guidelines for better performing
parks and public spaces, for a multitude of city inhabitants, through the
identification of all necessary base line data and information. Thus you need
to imagine . . .
3 imagining
- develop a multitude
of visions for the open spaces + boundaries that respond to the idea of an
inclusive city and successfully merges formal and informal components;
- envision
mixed-use, mixed-income, non-gated (sub) urban neighborhoods to live, play and
work with pedestrian access and green spaces in the given context;
- consider the
development of a public space system that is based on the use of public
transport for a maximum variety of city users;
- integrate
sustainable urban elements, consider the future of the triangle + open space;
- critique the
existing city proposal documents through your vision;
- Simply ask: what
Visions have to
be communicated in a graphic format (visual narrative).
Working Handin: 22 sept 14.15
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