The following projects
need additional work to bring them up to an acceptable standard.
Returning Jorissen Street back to the
people: enhancing access of Wits . . .
spelling on the cover page. It is
Jorissen Street and not the way it is spelt in the document. Project suffers from major referencing +
format issues. It is difficult to follow
the thread of thought and the themes unpacked.
What is the intervention exactly?
Some images are extremely difficult to make out what they are
demonstrating. Project is
incomprehensible form page 12 onwards. Needs
major restructuring.
Jorissen Street comes to life
needs better formatting to communicate the key ideas. A suggestion is that text is use to introduce
the chapters covered. For example, Site
location + Analysis – what is been uncovered here? Some intro text will assist the reader
understand. Project employs different
fonts and font sizes and lacks proper referencing + sourcing. Restructure and reformat for a much more
eloquent visual narrative, currently it is difficult to decipher what the key
themes are and why. Needs major
The power of art on a street . . .
final concept master plan for better clarity.
Spatial plans need street names and other fixes to orientate the
reader. Do a spell check and citations. Minor changes need to happen to bring the
work to an acceptable level.
Investing in the public realm
needs better formatting and a re-think of the graphics used to communicate the
vision of re-imagining, even though its states, “vision of the project in re-imaging
urban condition.” Is this really what it
wants to state? Sections need more work. Minor changes need to happen to bring the
work to an acceptable level.
Creating safe and performing spaces in places of
conceptual frameworks, connection of the concepts, to application, project
needs major restructuring. Repetitive
use of graphics isn’t sufficient to explain and demonstrate the intention.
Seeking spatial justice for the people of
Jorissen Street
project for a consistent narrative. Graphics
and text should complement and enhance each other. Minor changes need to happen to bring the
work to an acceptable level.
Multiple Identities
project is still at a conceptual stage and is far from being complete. It took on much more than it should have and
unfortunately did not deliver. Rethink
concept and simplify the theme for a more manageable project.
projects need to have no grammatical errors and misspellings. Images and graphics need to be referenced,
even if done by the author to differentiate between sourced and created
material. Font and font size to be
consistent. Plans need text, as in
street, building names etc. for better access and orientation.
Reworked projects are to be handed
in as an electronic submission on 21 November by noon.
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