Monday, August 19, 2013

architecture in film_comments

great opening paragraph.  substitute camera-man with director of photography or camera-person.  when naming the cast, robert should have been included since a reference is made to him.  overall a pleasant read, infused with a sufficient dose of melodrama to keep one reading, but slightly marred by grammatical errors.  it is critically assess not critically asses.  the last paragraphs explains that the film was analysed using 5 themes -- these should have been stated in the beginning, not at the end, for a consistent narrative.  why is the sentence, dreams feel real when we're in them . . . in quotation marks?  images would have enhanced the paper. 6/10

the matrix
well scripted intro.  the paper states, in the 3rd paragraph, motel in downtown manhattan - is this accurate?  the idea was the locations to be a generic american city, which was actually filmed in sydney, australia.  overall a very competent paper, which is uses text to pain powerful imagery, it is a pity that this was not illustrated using pictures to drive the visuals home. 6.3/10

zero dark thirty
very moving intro with creaking floorboards to black sites as a way to set the tempo.   narrative is well constructed, employing excellent sentence structure, keeping the reader informed and interested.  that being said, the paper only used a single, well referenced image, to give a 3 dimensionality to the text, which was a lost opportunity, since the paper is very rich visually.  next time, be not afraid to saturate your text with images.  they enhance the narrative.  well written. 7.3/10

angels and demons
a well written paper, saturated with imagery and astute perceptions.  the narrative contains  the correct ebbs and flows to keep one interested, to dramatically end with someone setting themselves on fire.  the visual inclusion of saint peter's square is welcome and appreciated, but why only just the two?  why wasn't the archivo vaticano, of the fountain of the four rivers illustrated?  a lost opportunity, but somewhat mitigated by the dramatic concluding sentence.  7.3/10

harry potter
the title of the film would have been appreciated on the cover page.  the intro, with the cupboard under the stairs bit, as harry's habitat, is a gem.  the drawings offer better access, but they cannot be both a ground floor plan.  overall a competent paper, employing well sourced and applicable imagery to enhance the narrative.  well done on this.  as much as the referenced page is appreciated, it remains obscure because one cannot place the images with the reference. 6.7/10

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